Suicide is the second leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults aged 15–24, accounting for more deaths each year than all natural causes combined. In the U.S., an adolescent or young adult dies by suicide approximately every hour and a half, and for every death by suicide, there are 15–25 times as many suicide attempts.
The tragedy is that this loss of life is preventable. Suicidal crises usually pass, and treatment is available that can reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors. So how does a parent or concerned individual know if their child or one of their child’s friends is at risk? What should they do if they suspect a teen or young adult may be having suicidal thoughts? We have compiled some information and resources that may help.

Educate Yourself on the Warning Signs
It can be very difficult to figure out if a youth or young adult is at risk for suicide. However, educating yourself on the warning signs can be a first step. The following list was compiled by a group of national and international experts:
Warning signs include:
Talking about or making plans for suicide
Making statements like “Everyone would be better off if I were dead” or “I should just kill myself.”
Researching methods for killing oneself on the internet.
Seeking access to ways to kill oneself, such as buying/compiling medications, locating a gun or knife, or finding dangerous locations (i.e., rooftops, train tracks, etc.) that are easily accessible.
Giving away important possessions, like a prized guitar, phone, or computer.
Saying good-bye to family and friends or writing a suicide note.
Expressing hopelessness about the future
Making statements like “Nothing will ever go right for me” or “Nothing will ever get better.”
Seeming disinterested in future planning for things like school or college, seeking a driver’s license, or getting a job.
Losing interest in things they previously cared deeply about—for example, if an athlete no longer cared about an important game or an honors student did not care when they failed a test.
Displaying severe/overwhelming emotional pain or distress
External signs of emotional pain or distress may include withdrawal or frequent crying, panic, or angry outbursts.
Suicide is frequently associated with mental health concerns, including depression or extreme sadness. However, depression is not the only precursor to suicidality. Some youth feel apathy or like nothing matters, have strong mood swings, or are very irritable. Other youth feel overwhelming anxiety, panic, or worry and do not know how to tolerate or change these feelings. Disordered eating, impulsive or reckless behavior, and alcohol or drug misuse are also associated with increased risk for suicide.
Self-injury, such as intentionally cutting, scratching, or burning oneself, is not necessarily a suicide attempt, but does put youth or young adults at increased risk for suicide.
Previous suicide attempts also increase the risk for future suicide attempts.
If a youth recently went through a big loss or disappointment, such as a breakup with a significant other, familial discord or divorce, being cut from a sports team, academic failure, disciplinary or legal trouble, etc., this may cause emotional pain or distress. While negative emotional reactions to disappointment or loss are normal, prolonged, overwhelming, or severe/inconsolable distress is not.
Showing worrisome behavioral cues or marked changes in behavior, particularly in the presence of the warning signs above. Specifically, this includes significant:
Withdrawal from or changes in social connections/situations.
Changes in sleep (increased or decreased).
Anger or hostility that seems out of character or out of context.
Recent increased agitation, restlessness, or irritability.
More information on these warning signs is available at: